Garden · Inspiration · Trees

Countryside Yarns

Autumn has swept in with all the colours of a warm, woolly scarf.

I went on holiday recently, full of enthusiasm to leave and have a change. Well, the holiday was a real treat but so was the return.

In the time I was away the countryside has been transformed. Summer has ended but a new season, a fresh start has begun.


Last year I planted a rowan tree by our front door. As a child I remember being told a rowan tree was always planted in Scottish gardens by the front door to ward off evil. On the other hand, the wood is also used to make wands.

I don’t know if any of it is true but this rowan tree has certainly given us a magical  display with it’s long fingers of reds, oranges and greens.

Now I just need to put on my own woolly scarf, go out, and start planting bulbs for the spring.



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